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WWTP and Anaerobic Digesters

WWPT sector provide critical resources for all villages, towns and cities.


At Flexachem, we provide a focused range of equipment for Ireland’s wastewater treatment industry. From waste inflow to distribution & chemical dosing, Flexachem specific solutions offer extended uptime and efficient performance.

Flexachem supports end user local authorities, the national provider Irish Water and the key OEM contractors responsible for the substantive upgrades to our national network.

  • Providing high quality equipment and technical solutions for all industries.

  • Project support by offering expertise & knowledge in general industries.

  • Product specialists apply their skillset and knowledge to correctly size and design mechanical products.

  • Our service engineers offer inspections, maintenance, and repairs for our customers and aim to reduce any downtime to your plant.

  • Interruption to production has significant cost implications for end users. As a result, we work with our end users and offer consignment stock of repair kits & spare parts by working with MRO managers to plan for whatever is needed.

In addition, for the chemical dosing and aeration phases of Water treatment, Flexachem supply partners Chemineer & SCM Technologies are providing substantial cost savings through energy efficiency.


Along with this we also offer expert advice, project management, Process / Chemical engineering, flow meters and Tank OEMs localised in Ireland.


See our extensive range of equipment here

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Anaerobic Digestion


Anaerobic digestion is the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It outputs digestate and biogas- these are valuable substances to be reused.


Anaerobic digestion (AD) has a longstanding history in the treatment of wastewater. It plays a crucial role in redirecting substantial quantities of agricultural by-products and food waste away from landfills and other ecologically detrimental disposal


Numerous sectors employ AD to process wastewater, thereby reducing the expenses associated with waste treatment and generating new streams of income through the utilization of biogas as an alternative energy source. By containing the manure that emits strong odours within digesters, AD is providing a significant solution for livestock operations. Moreover, the AD process effectively eliminates a variety of pathogens in manure that
pose environmental risks.

Why Companies Trust Us

  • “Flexachem and Flowserve have been in partnership for over 20 years and are one of our leading distributors in Europe annually across all of the Flowserve brands. The bench strength of knowledge led by Phil Soltan in pumps & Chris Sheeran in Seals are key reasons why customers continue their long term relationship with Flexachem.”

    Jonathan Grace

    Regional Manager, Flowserve

  • “Flexachem and Inoxpa have a strong collaboration in Ireland, with a focus on mutual development and specialist accessibility to customers. In particular, Flexachem’s CIP Skid systems have shown growth under the leadership of Michael Bradley, an important element of Inoxpa’s distribution.”

    Bob Wilson

    General Manager, Inoxpa

  • “The small Flotronic diaphragm pump that I bought from you has proved itself very well during the early process trials we carried out. In fact it is acting as our single route to transfer liquids into and out of the vessel. Thank you for recommending the unit – it is neat and efficient.”

    Brendan Wallace

    Project Engineer, Rottapharm

  • “Flexachem has been a distributor of our products in Ireland since 1998. Our collaboration has always been characterized by respect and mutual support. Their technically qualified sales force assists us and finds great opportunities for our market. An excellent teamwork has been created, which will last for a long time.”

    Marilena Di Cicco
